Deji - Deji Special on Survey 6

Tagged by YingYing


02★請老實回答 每一個問題。



♥ 關於自己

01★暱稱:chloe, 1.20

02★ 生日:25th of November 1991



05★ 搵四個字形容自己 : find words that are start with C and apply to me thankyou~

♥ 關於友情

01★覺得朋友重要嗎:it's VERY important to me~

02★有被朋友背叛過嗎:apparently i did. But i got over it~

03★被背叛感覺是怎麼樣:not good. Just, it's not healthy~

04★跟朋友通常因 為什麼事吵架:usually i don't fight, i hate fightings~

05★通常和好的原因:talking face to face, making sure to come up with a solution to the problem~

♥ 關於愛情

01★友情和愛情哪樣重要:they are all equally important to me~

02★目前有男/女朋友嗎:not gonna lie here~

03★你很愛她/他嗎:yeap i do~

04★她/他很愛你嗎: he is~

05★如果她/他要求分手:wish him all the best since we couldn't work things out together anymore, not gonna force him to stay~

06★如果沒有男/女友,有喜歡的人嗎: yep! the same guy i dare say~

07★覺得自己喜歡的人如何:he's very protective~

08★ 覺得自己會喜歡那個人多久: it has been a month~

09★如果有一天另一半突然離開:i don't know how but i will try REALLY hard to get contacts~

10★分手的話會不會哭: i will~

♥ 關於親情

01★家理有什麼人:daddy, mummy, kevin kor, christmas jiejie and keith kor~

02★最喜歡哪個:i love them all~

03★最討厭哪個:i wouldn't say hate. just anger rush through certain time~

04★覺得自己的家好嗎:yep! i wouldn't want to imagine if i was born in any other family~

05★承上...為什麼: because they love me so much~


07★ 有兄弟姐妹的話吵架都是為了什麼事:uhm... hogging the toilet?

08★後來是怎麼和好的:we didn't. till we talk to each other~

09★整個家誰是最重要的那個: different people with their different importance~

10★承上...為什么: different characters build up a strong family, that's why~

♥ 自己

01★耳洞:ear~ double piercing~

02★染髮:nope i didn't~

03★抽煙:defo no~

04★喝酒:yep~ only on weddings and special occasions~

05★寵物:nope.. ~

06★戀愛:ehecks~ muackses~

07★自殺:no way. because there are those who love me here in the reality than the Heaven~

08★自拍:i do~ on Mirrors.. heheh~

09★網誌:Facebooking, Plurking, Blogging~

10★ 紋身: nope~

♥ 無聊問題

01★心目中的對象是誰:only certain people knows.. shhh~~ hehe~

02★ 如果你的家人跟你的另一半同時跌下海,你會先救誰?:i'll ask my family to save my boyfriend, because i myself dunno how to swim but my family knows how to swim~ and he doesn't know how to swim.. so it's a win win~ bonding time!

03★直到現在有哪幾首歌,可以感動到你?:Big Bang - Haru Haru

04★如果你有多啦A夢,你想要它的什麼法寶: The Door

05★想改掉的壞習慣:princess attitude

06★人生對你而言最重要的事情是什麼:being happy all the time~

07★ 覺得目前為止做過最有意義的事:loving my granny~ hehe!

08★哪一件事情讓你永生難忘:i fell down to the swimming pool and nearly said bye to the world?


10★ 未來有什麼計畫:getting a degree, getting a permanent job, getting married, get a family and get a life~

11★最想去的國家:Singapore again, Japan for sure, England for that bus, Italy with mummy~

12★朋友和 愛情,你會選擇哪邊樣:both. imma balance both~!

13★目前最煩惱的事:how am i going to work my MUET~

14★ 認識異性第一眼會看什麼地方:personality, first impression~

15★有錢的話想包養誰:my hubby and my future family. My sister. myself~


17★究竟是陪在身邊的人重要?還是心裡的人重要:hmm? they are both equally important to me~

18★假如你有一千萬,你最想拿來做什麼:bring mummy to Rome and save for studies and shopping~

19★ 世界上最值得你留戀的是什麼: my family and him and friends~

20★什麼樣的異性最吸引你: feelings come. if i fall for someone, i'd fall for his personality too~

21★第一次性經驗是幾歲:not yet~

22★有什麼事是你覺得一輩子一定要去做的:being an ACTUAL human being~

23★ 有沒有想過哪一天自己是怎麼死的:die of sickness~

24★你最喜歡做的事:singing and writing and reading

25★ 你覺得自己哪裏最性感: lap~

26★如果身邊的朋友或另一半有人偷吃,你會如何:don't have the time to forgive them, they wanna cheat, their business, as long as karma hits them when i am enjoying a cup of coffee~

27★喜歡被愛還是愛人:both~ giving and taking is part of a life routine~

28★近期最開心的事情:being in love~

29★ 愛一個人,需要付出多少代價:most of yourself to show you love him~

30★為什麼會愛上自己的情人:because he's being very loyal and protective and very sweet. and he's being himself. that's why i love him~

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