Deji - Deji Special on Tokio Hotel - Humanoid City

20th of August

(warning, this post is not suitable for Non-Tokio-Hotellers. If you are not interested with my four boys, please press the exit button. Thank you.)

Humanoid City. The second concert from Tokio Hotel. This recording was held in Milano where they always greet their fans Gracias~

The Tokio Egg was closed at the beginning of the concert. Fans lit up their light sticks and wave at the stage and chanting Tokio Hotel's name.


1. Noise

When Tom Kaulitz and Georg Listing came out with their guitar and bass respectively. I'd say this is the BEST intro ever made by a Rock Band like them. Bill Kaulitz (vocalist) and Gustav, the drummer was in the egg. While Bill made his entrance, Gustav's stage went to the second level. And then, Noise started.

Costume for Noise. He zipped it up at first but after a few songs, he undid the zip to reveal his artificial animal leather 6 pack suit.

2. Human Connect To Human
How can i connect to you, Bill? How can i connect to you since your voice is the best ~

3. Breakaway
The intro of the song is when Tom enjoys himself with his guitar. Trust me, the intro of the song is very enjoyable, changing the notes like in a second. An amazing song to perform on a stage. For the guitarist of course, not the vocalist.

4. Pain of Love
Bill had to rest a while to let the fans shout for him. He has to rest his voice because he underwent a surgery of his throat. So that's why some of the songs with climax, he lets the AUDIENCE to shout for him. Pain of Love is a song where he wrote for his first love, how to deal with the pain and everything.

-outro intro-
A must watch when Bill put on his emo tone to speak about how much pain he's holding on.

5. World Behind My Wall
This is the place to be when you see Georg, the bassist behind keyboard. While Tom accompany him with his guitar. This is a lifetime song, a life breaking song. A song which can represent our lives. Very nice song to build self esteem, to look at the World Behind Our Walls

6. Hey You
Nuff' said.

7. Alien (English Version)
A song that cannot skip while browsing through Tokio Hotel concert. They changed the song compose and even add on a heavier bass. Very nice song in Live version

8. Ready, Set, Go!
A song i would LOVE to repeat and repeat because of a sentence

I promise you right now, I'll never let you down.

This is the sentence when Bill hold himself close to Tom and sing to him. Tom, for sure, smiled at his cuteness. Damn love this duo~

9. Humanoid (German Version)
Acoustic version of the Rockish Humanoid (probably the best song from Humanoid album alongside with.. well, all the songs)

10. Phantomrider
The band relaxed themselves a little bit by sitting down on high stools and sing this relaxing song

11. Dogs Unleashed
FELL IN LOVE WITH THE INTRO OF DOGS UNLEASHED. They enhanced the music with extra beat. and god knows that they did it better than the original. This is when the Bike comes out~

The design of the bike~

Bill looks hot on a bike like that. Damn he works leather~

12. Love & Death
To be frank, when i first listen to this song, i couldn't recognize it was the favourite song of mine. They changed the music as usual, and the beat

13. In Your Shadow (I Can Shine)
Best acoustic song from Tokio Hotel as it got A LOT of votes from online and from iTunes.

14. Automatic
A song that we cannot skip on Tokio Hotel's list. Damn shit this song sells them a lot of money and this is the song that made me fall for the 4 boys

15. Screamin'
Georg first came to my mind while listening to this song, but i love Tom part even more

16. Darkside of the Sun
They "lied" to the audience by saying this is the last song for the night, when they go back to change their costume. Tom looks hot in this song

17. Zoom Into Me
Half the band gets to rest except for the twins. Bill on vocal as usual and Tom is on piano this time

Bill changed to a jeans overall and sang this heartbreaking song

18. Monsoon
Tokio Classic. Everybody would simply love this song because of the lyrics. Genius lyrics. Every single audience sing this song with Bill

19. Forever Now
Last song from Tokio Hotel when Bill changed into his last costume~

- Backstage at Humanoid City -
They smoked??? oh god...

But the best part of the making is

Bill getting half naked. The twins from Dsquared2 helped him design all his costumes. very dramatic

Tom, Bill's twin brother accompanied him throughout the costume changing. Saying that he wasn't jealous of Bill because he wouldn't want to waste time on changing them~

oh tom~

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